AWS SDK for pandas

3 - Amazon S3

Table of Contents

from datetime import datetime

import boto3
import pandas as pd
import pytz

import awswrangler as wr

df1 = pd.DataFrame({"id": [1, 2], "name": ["foo", "boo"]})

df2 = pd.DataFrame({"id": [3], "name": ["bar"]})

Enter your bucket name:

import getpass

bucket = getpass.getpass()

1. CSV files

1.1 Writing CSV files

path1 = f"s3://{bucket}/csv/file1.csv"
path2 = f"s3://{bucket}/csv/file2.csv"

wr.s3.to_csv(df1, path1, index=False)
wr.s3.to_csv(df2, path2, index=False)

1.2 Reading single CSV file

id name
0 1 foo
1 2 boo

1.3 Reading multiple CSV files

1.3.1 Reading CSV by list

wr.s3.read_csv([path1, path2])
id name
0 1 foo
1 2 boo
2 3 bar

1.3.2 Reading CSV by prefix

id name
0 1 foo
1 2 boo
2 3 bar

2. JSON files

2.1 Writing JSON files

path1 = f"s3://{bucket}/json/file1.json"
path2 = f"s3://{bucket}/json/file2.json"

wr.s3.to_json(df1, path1)
wr.s3.to_json(df2, path2)

2.2 Reading single JSON file

id name
0 1 foo
1 2 boo

2.3 Reading multiple JSON files

2.3.1 Reading JSON by list

wr.s3.read_json([path1, path2])
id name
0 1 foo
1 2 boo
0 3 bar

2.3.2 Reading JSON by prefix

id name
0 1 foo
1 2 boo
0 3 bar

3. Parquet files

For more complex features releated to Parquet Dataset check the tutorial number 4.

3.1 Writing Parquet files

path1 = f"s3://{bucket}/parquet/file1.parquet"
path2 = f"s3://{bucket}/parquet/file2.parquet"

wr.s3.to_parquet(df1, path1)
wr.s3.to_parquet(df2, path2)

3.2 Reading single Parquet file

id name
0 1 foo
1 2 boo

3.3 Reading multiple Parquet files

3.3.1 Reading Parquet by list

wr.s3.read_parquet([path1, path2])
id name
0 1 foo
1 2 boo
2 3 bar

3.3.2 Reading Parquet by prefix

id name
0 1 foo
1 2 boo
2 3 bar

4. Fixed-width formatted files (only read)

As of today, Pandas doesn’t implement a to_fwf functionality, so let’s manually write two files:

content = "1  Herfelingen 27-12-18\n" "2    Lambusart 14-06-18\n" "3 Spormaggiore 15-04-18"
boto3.client("s3").put_object(Body=content, Bucket=bucket, Key="fwf/file1.txt")

content = "4    Buizingen 05-09-19\n" "5   San Rafael 04-09-19"
boto3.client("s3").put_object(Body=content, Bucket=bucket, Key="fwf/file2.txt")

path1 = f"s3://{bucket}/fwf/file1.txt"
path2 = f"s3://{bucket}/fwf/file2.txt"

4.1 Reading single FWF file

wr.s3.read_fwf([path1], names=["id", "name", "date"])
id name date
0 1 Herfelingen 27-12-18
1 2 Lambusart 14-06-18
2 3 Spormaggiore 15-04-18

4.2 Reading multiple FWF files

4.2.1 Reading FWF by list

wr.s3.read_fwf([path1, path2], names=["id", "name", "date"])
id name date
0 1 Herfelingen 27-12-18
1 2 Lambusart 14-06-18
2 3 Spormaggiore 15-04-18
3 4 Buizingen 05-09-19
4 5 San Rafael 04-09-19

4.2.2 Reading FWF by prefix

wr.s3.read_fwf(f"s3://{bucket}/fwf/", names=["id", "name", "date"])
id name date
0 1 Herfelingen 27-12-18
1 2 Lambusart 14-06-18
2 3 Spormaggiore 15-04-18
3 4 Buizingen 05-09-19
4 5 San Rafael 04-09-19

5. Excel files

5.1 Writing Excel file

path = f"s3://{bucket}/file0.xlsx"

wr.s3.to_excel(df1, path, index=False)

5.2 Reading Excel file

id name
0 1 foo
1 2 boo

6. Reading with lastModified filter

Specify the filter by LastModified Date.

The filter needs to be specified as datime with time zone

Internally the path needs to be listed, after that the filter is applied.

The filter compare the s3 content with the variables lastModified_begin and lastModified_end

6.1 Define the Date time with UTC Timezone

begin = datetime.strptime("20-07-31 20:30", "%y-%m-%d %H:%M")
end = datetime.strptime("21-07-31 20:30", "%y-%m-%d %H:%M")

begin_utc = pytz.utc.localize(begin)
end_utc = pytz.utc.localize(end)

6.2 Define the Date time and specify the Timezone

begin = datetime.strptime("20-07-31 20:30", "%y-%m-%d %H:%M")
end = datetime.strptime("21-07-31 20:30", "%y-%m-%d %H:%M")

timezone = pytz.timezone("America/Los_Angeles")

begin_Los_Angeles = timezone.localize(begin)
end_Los_Angeles = timezone.localize(end)

6.3 Read json using the LastModified filters

    f"s3://{bucket}/fwf/", names=["id", "name", "date"], last_modified_begin=begin_utc, last_modified_end=end_utc
wr.s3.read_json(f"s3://{bucket}/json/", last_modified_begin=begin_utc, last_modified_end=end_utc)
wr.s3.read_csv(f"s3://{bucket}/csv/", last_modified_begin=begin_utc, last_modified_end=end_utc)
wr.s3.read_parquet(f"s3://{bucket}/parquet/", last_modified_begin=begin_utc, last_modified_end=end_utc)

7. Download objects

Objects can be downloaded from S3 using either a path to a local file or a file-like object in binary mode.

7.1 Download object to a file path

local_file_dir = getpass.getpass()
import os

path1 = f"s3://{bucket}/csv/file1.csv"
local_file = os.path.join(local_file_dir, "file1.csv"), local_file=local_file)

id name
0 1 foo
1 2 boo

7.2 Download object to a file-like object in binary mode

path2 = f"s3://{bucket}/csv/file2.csv"
local_file = os.path.join(local_file_dir, "file2.csv")
with open(local_file, mode="wb") as local_f:, local_file=local_f)

id name
0 3 bar

8. Upload objects

Objects can be uploaded to S3 using either a path to a local file or a file-like object in binary mode.

8.1 Upload object from a file path

local_file = os.path.join(local_file_dir, "file1.csv")
wr.s3.upload(local_file=local_file, path=path1)

id name
0 1 foo
1 2 boo

8.2 Upload object from a file-like object in binary mode

local_file = os.path.join(local_file_dir, "file2.csv")
with open(local_file, "rb") as local_f:
    wr.s3.upload(local_file=local_f, path=path2)

id name
0 3 bar

9. Delete objects
