
class awswrangler.typing.AthenaUNLOADSettings

Bases: TypedDict

Typed dictionary defining the settings for using UNLOAD.



Specifies the file format of the output.


This option is specific to the ORC and Parquet formats.


Specifies a single-character field delimiter for files in CSV, TSV, and other text formats.


A list of columns by which the output is partitioned.

Attributes Documentation

file_format: NotRequired[str]

Specifies the file format of the output. Only PARQUET is currently supported.

compression: NotRequired[str]

This option is specific to the ORC and Parquet formats. For ORC, possible values are lz4, snappy, zlib, or zstd. For Parquet, possible values are gzip or snappy. For ORC, the default is zlib, and for Parquet, the default is gzip.

field_delimiter: NotRequired[str]

Specifies a single-character field delimiter for files in CSV, TSV, and other text formats.

partitioned_by: NotRequired[List[str]]

A list of columns by which the output is partitioned.